
Religion, Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Spirituality


Candomble in Bahia - What is it about?

A little about Confucianism

What Good Evidence is There to Think God Does NOT Exist?

Can Free Will Exist If God Is All-Knowing?

Who are the devotees of Shiva?

Should all students be required to learn about religion in school?

The Origins of Buddhism - How it all Began.

What is the right religion for you?

The Principle of Moral Thought in Sikhism

The Satanic Temple Vs. Christianity - First Amendment RIghts In Arkansas

What is Satanism?

What is Our Lady of Endor Coven all about?

Seeking God´s Touch: Emerson, Nature, The Vedas, Called a Prophet

Are our woes designed by our masters to pressure the populations?

Divine retribution and unconditional love. Can only one attribute be real?

The Pilgrimage of the Jains

How Does Islam View Contraceptives?

What Does Islam Say About Abortions?

Is believing that God would accept an innocent's blood sacrifice, thinking like Satan?

Was god choosing Jesus just; or should the Father have chosen the cross for himself?

Why Doesn't God Respond To Prayers?

How Kind Was Jesus?

Hoodoo Doll Removal Ritual and Spell

Paganism: The Significance of Acorns and Oaks

Anti-Slavery, Chris Hitchens´ Fallacy, Thomas Paine, and the Quaker Friend Christians


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