Why Believe or Disbelieve in Religion?

The REALITY about BELIEFS (I hope you catch the irony there) - Ericksonian

It seems like for as long as humanity has existed, there has been a constant need for them to believe in something or someone. 

Belief systems, now and in antiquity, are ways in which people come to understand the world, their natural environment and each other.

For some, it stands as a way of giving life a purpose and helping people to discover the great mysteries of life itself. Some people call life-affirming mysteries acts of various gods while others attribute the answers to time, ancestors and other spirit beings of their choosing.

People use belief to address questions such as why we exist? What happens after death? Etc. 

Religion and belief can provide some people with a sense of unity or community – yet for others, it does nothing at all for them. 

But discovering why one believes or disbelieves can help us to understand what motivates them to act and think as they do.

And through that understanding, we can learn tolerance and respect.

Why do you believe or disbelieve in religion? What led you to your conclusion?


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