Brain, Mind, Consciousness and "Intuition"

This dialogue developed in response to a meme that compared a Television being a box incapable of generating its own images, but that were received from an original generative source. The conscious human mind, it is suggested, is also dependent on its own transcendent source.
R B It actually is generated by brain which is responsible of storing informations gathered by the 5 senses. However, as conscious self develops, it gains independence, if and when, the informations resonate with the Infinite ocean of Universal Consciousness. Just like droplet of water, an individual consciousness once it unites with the UC it becomes the UC itself!
D D. A R B what about the 6th sense call it intuition if you will, or telepathy if you won't. What if telepathy is factual through thought stimulation carried electromagneticly from transmission of brain wave to brain wave. Would this add to our t… See more
R B D D. Arnold “6 sense”, is simply the integration of all inputs from the 5 senses!
D D. A R B But thought is interconnected to energy actual brain waves or frequency modulated energy Vibrations. We are not our bodies, who we really are no one can touch and no one can see .. We are both physical and metaphysical phenomenon with m… What if telepathy is factual through thought stimulation carried electromagneticly from transmission of brain wave to brain wave. Would this add to our thought perception of soul or spirit, if we connect thought & energy.
Mark Rego Monteiro R B I agree that it involves the five senses in integration, but I think it involves a higher order track that is the transpersonal, transcedentally oriented spiritual-religious. There´s a great testimony by two close neighboring families and a grandfather Mr. P who fell injured from his tractor. He crawled a way until he let out a frustrated exclamation prayer. An amazing sequence took place, with a daughter in high school having a brief visionary intuition that something was wrong with Mr. P. She prayed. At about that moment, her younger brother called the P family to invite the older son Rob there over to play video games. Rob began walking over, but stopped from his own perception of a strange, unknown noise. He looked around, and at a little distance, saw the elder Mr. P crawling. I started thinking about bio-electromagnetic fields way back when, but see that we have to talk about a deeper field, and where we arrive at the implications of a lawful and loving transcendental/immanent Divine Mind.
If we are talking about spiritual-religious practice, experience, phenomena, and knowledge, in the way that you insightfully mentioned as "resonance", which I associate with topics like musical experience and the Holographic paradigm of lightwave and information storage processes. One author talks about the brain´s serial processing in standard IQ, parallel processing in emotional-psychosocial intelligence, and then synchronized processing in spiritual intelligence. Transpersonal psychology, and the Transcendental locus and nature of the Cause of the Universe in philosophical reasoning give us some more conceptual and practical notions about the transcendental/immanent origins of "Universal Consciousness." Additional philosophical information gives us the notion of "emergentism", which basically helps accentuate the notion of a transcendental/immanent Entity, aka a Divine Mind.


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