Does Sin Exist in Buddhism?


According to K. Sri Dhammananda (2019), Buddhism does not see humankind as sinful by nature, nor are humans viewed in rebellion to God (Dhammananda, 2019).

The Buddhist philosophy teaches that each person is responsible for their own deeds, good and bad, and each person has the ability to mould their destiny.

In Buddhism, the concept of sin, as that expressed in other religions, does not exist. Instead, sin is viewed as an unskilled or unwholesome action which creates personal downfalls (Dhammananda, 2019).

People are not sinful, merely ignorant in Buddhism. Buddhists believe that punishment and condemnation are not the answers. Instead, the person should be given instructions. 

Rather than divine forgiveness or repentance, Buddhists believe the person must receive guidance in order to achieve enlightenment. The ignorant are not driven to faith and confessions, but to reason in Buddhism; because only through reasonable understanding can one achieve liberation from ignorance.

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Dhammananda, Sri K. "What Buddhists Believe - No Sinners." BuddhaSasana by Binh Anson - Main Index. Last modified January 1, 2019.



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