Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism

Just what is Nichiren Buddhism?

Nichiren Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that was founded in the twelfth century C.E, by Zen Monk Nichiren Daishonin. 

This sect is also known as Lotus Buddhism. Nichiren taught his followers that the only authentic teachings of the Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha were those contained in the Lotus Sutra.  

The core act of worship in Nichiren Buddhism is the repetitive chanting of the phrase Namum yoho rengekyo, created to demonstrate strong devotion to the Lotus Sutra. 

The phrase became popular in the U.S. among Black American women after the Lotus Sutra was recited in the 1993 movie What's Love Got To Do With It, starring Angela Bassett as Tina Turner. 

Today, there are more than 40 different subsects of Nichiren Buddhism. The most popular is called Nichiren Shoshu and is very popular in Japan. 

Have you heard of Nichiren Buddhism before? Would you or have you ever considered the practice of Lotus Buddhism (or other forms of Buddhism)? What are your thoughts on Nichiren Buddhism? 



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