What will win the god wars? Faith, Fantasy, Facts, or God?

 What will win the god wars? Faith, Fantasy, Facts, or God?


We are all either using religious or secular moral codes to live by; based on faith, fantasy, facts, or our imagined gods?


As we live and learn, we decide which of the above should take first place as reality and we decide to be believers in a supernatural or fantasy-based god or not.


Religion Has No Earthly Purpose, So Why Do We Cling to It? | Reza Aslan - YouTube


We only have mythos and logos to answer the question, is God real?


Books of wisdom, the bible and Qur’an being pathetic late comers, ask us to come and reason about God, yet most come to do long winded, bla bla bla posts, and quote others, and thus do not learn how to reason.


Reason has lost, but what do you think will win the God war? Faith, fantasy, facts, or our imagined Gods?


I say my God. I am.






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