Does Using Pendulums in Divination Actually Work?

Light Pendulum Gif - ID: 1635 - Gif Abyss

Firstly, a pendulum is a stone or crystal attached to the end of a string which some people use to answer questions regarding one's personal circumstances.
Pendulums can be used to benefit the individual carrying the pendulum, or it can be used to assist others in understanding the answers they desire to know. In divination, Pendulums are considered the simplest form of divination and is used by many religious groups including Wiccans and New Age spiritualists. They believe these pendulums work using energies calibrated by spirits that communicate through the crystal to the user. How it works is that the user asks a question and watches to see how the pendulum swings at the end of the string. If the pendulum swings left to right [horizontally] it typically indicates a "No" answer. If the pendulum swings back and forth [vertically] it indicates a "Yes" response. Think of when someone nods or shakes their head in approval or disapproval. The swinging of the pendulum works the same. But does this indicate that pendulum usage in divination works? That is a matter of opinion. Some suggest that this form of divination works because the crystal is moved by actual spiritual energy. Others suggest that the user's intent causes the person to unconsciously sway the crystal in the direction of the answer they seek to confirm. There is no way of telling which theory is true, and it could be a combination of the two or neither.

What do you think? Do pendulums work to answer questions by way of spiritual energy? 



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