Woman Who Invoked the Spirit of Papa Legba Dies!

A girl who people warned not to summon Papa Legba dies.

People are blaming a girl’s death on her practicing Haitian Vodou summoning spells.

Katelyn “Kat” Restin was found dead after she allegedly drowned in a bathtub according to one of her friends.

Restin’s death came two days after her claiming that she saw Papa Legba apparently after a summoning spell people warned her not to try.

She was apart of a group on social media that practiced spells, and one day she decided to go into voodoo.

When people warned her not to she wrote a post that stated there’s nothing wrong with trying to go into something new.

Here’s the post:

About 3 weeks after the post, and other posts showing her practicing voodoo, she made a post stating she saw Papa Legba:

Someone in her group stated that they did a reading on her and it wasn’t Papa Legba, but Baron:

Her obituary states that her cause of death was sudden. The family has set up a GoFundMe for Katelyn’s death: According to her obituary:

Katelyn is survived by her daughter Aaliyah Hope Restin, mother Terry Restin, father John Restin, brothers Kevin and Ryan (Blakely) Restin; aunts, Margaret Volk, Mary (Rick) Page, Betty (Joe) Aukward; Uncle, Eric (Susan) Restin, and many cousins and other relatives, all of who she loved and touched deeply.



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