What Do The World Religions Say About Staying On The Right Path?


Hello! Some remarkable people have often asked questions about staying on the path of truth and virtue in everyday life. Many are compelled to consult the sacred texts of a given religion to receive both inspiration and enlightenment as to how to accomplish this goal. Intriguing advice on how to live can be found in each religion. The following quotes serve as examples of religious advice to stay on the right path in life:

this is a ch’i which is, in the highest degree, vast and unyielding. Nourish it with integrity and place no obstacle in its path and it will fill the space between Heaven and Earth. It is a ch’i, which unites rightness and the Tao. Deprive it of these and it will collapse. It is born of accumulated rightness..." [―Mencius II.A2 浩然之氣]

"Those on the journey to heaven do not look back..." [―Satapatha Brahmana Madhyandiniya ]
Zen Buddhism
"Let me respectfully remind you, life and death are of supreme importance. Time passes swiftly and opportunity is lost. Each of us must strive to awaken, awaken. Take heed. Do not squander your lives away." [― Dōgen]
"One devoted whole-heartedly to knowledge, faith and right conduct equally accomplishes in full the task of the Sramana." [―Mahavira Pravachansara 42]
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many." [―Matthew 7:13]
Please share your inspirational posts of truth and virtue and how these quotes have empowered you.

"All Questions And Views Are Welcomed! The Goal Is To Share & Learn!"—Global Religions



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