The Truth About Good and Evil in Candomblé

Interestingly, there is no conceptualized understanding of good and evil in Candomblé.
Instead, an individual is merely required to fulfill their spiritual destiny to the fullest, regardless of what that may entail.
However, this does not permit the individual to do whatever they please. Instead, Candomblé teaches that any and all harm that one inflicts upon others shall return to the inflictor in due time.
ㅤㅤThe Baba Egum ("the oldest ancestral spirits") are essential in regulating the moral code of Candomblécists.
ㅤㅤIt is the Baba Egum's responsibility to make sure that moral standards of history are continued into the present. This is regulated during the worship ceremonies.
During ceremonies, when a person becomes possessed by an ancestor spirit, the individual may act out scenes from an event within the community that highlights a person's actions; whether good or evil as a public tribunal.
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