The Nitty-Gritty On The Veves Of Vodou

In Vodun or Voodoo, the official symbol is called the Veve. These intricate symbols are representations of the Lwa (spirits), and are commonly used in practice or during ceremonies which commemorate the Lwa.

ㅤㅤVeves are very similar to a sigil, which was used in transcendental magic to summon both angels and demons to earth. Each Lwa in Voodoo has a Veve specialized to it. Prior to a summoning, a Veve is traced on the ground with powdered chalk or eggshell.
ㅤㅤIn Togolese Vodun, it is extremely important that a Vodouwizan — a devotee of Voodoo — draw the Veve correctly in order to summon the right Lwa. Drawing it incorrectly is believed to summon malevolent (shadow) spirits or other Lwa who the ritual was not intended for. (Like dialling the wrong phone number)
ㅤㅤTo add the Veve is more potent and effective when drawn correctly. The following Veve belongs to Ogoun, the hunter-warrior God in Vodun.
ㅤㅤThe Ogun Veve is also shared by the original Yoruba traditions, Candomble, Umbanda, and Santeria.



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