The Hounsi Lave Tet Ceremony

Originally, we covered the rank of Vodun known as Hounsi Lave Tet where a basic overview of rank and responsibilities were given.

In the following discussion, the initiation ceremony and transition of non-asson individuals into the beginning rank of Lav Tet will be covered.

ㅤㅤThe reason many choose to undergo the process of Hounsi Lave Tet is due to its ability to improve the lives of recipients or loved ones of the individual. It purifies the conscious and releases spiritual negativity from the person, allowing for inner peace to develop. The majority of recipients undergo Lave Tet this very reason. After all, who doesn't want peace of mind?
ㅤㅤThe Hounsi-Lave Tet can vary from 2 to 5 days depending on the individual.
ㅤㅤPhase one of Lave Tet is the spiritual cleansing. At this stage, removal of all spiritual negativity including bad thoughts and poor self-image occurs to free up the mind from attachments believed to hinder the soul and mind. Individuals who undergo this soul-renewing process usually express happiness. As if burdens had been lifted off their shoulders. Please note that the spiritual cleansing phase is one of the more sacred processes in the asson tradition.
ㅤㅤIn phase two, members are to lie down in a badji, a sacred room within a Vodou temple, prepared for them. During this time, the individual is subject to possession by Lwa or spirits and will have spiritual wisdom revealed to them. In some instances, the Lwa Met Tet (Spiritual Head Master) undergoes divination and communicates with participants. It is at this time that participants create and cement a bond with a personal Lwa. This phase is where most possessions take place in order to strengthen the spirit.
ㅤㅤLast is phase three: the baptism or finalization of Hounsi Lave Tet. This is where the minds and spirits of devotees have been completely sanctified in service of Ginen [Africa] or God. This phase is not necessarily added in Togolese [West African] Vodou. From there, a fete [party] is held to celebrate the new members.
1. Did you find this covering of Hounsi Lave Tet to be helpful in understanding Vodou?
2. Have you experienced a similar ceremony or been a part of the Lave Tet ritual?
3. What are some ways in which the Lave Tet ceremony could help someone?
4. What are ways in which you could benefit from participating in Lave Tet?



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