The Five Sheaths of the Human Soul

According to the yogis of Nath Siddha Hinduism, humans do not merely have one body. They have five!

Just as they wear layers of clothes — underwear, a shirt or blouse — so their inner spirit wears layers of increasingly subtle energies, with which it can operate in increasingly subtle dimensions of the universe.

The Taittiriya Upanishad describes 5 "sheaths" worn by the human spirit, like a sword in a scabbard that is in a box that is in a chest that is in a closet that is in a house:
These are:

1. Anna maya kosha: the physical body or sheath made of physical matter
2. Prana maya kosha: the energy body or sheath made of life force
3. Mano Maya Kosha: the mental body or sheath consisting of thought energy
4. Vijnana Maya Kosha: the wisdom body or sheath of higher intelligence

5. Ananda maya kosha: the spiritual body or sheath of mystical awareness



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