How to Prepare Four Thieves Vinegar in Hoodoo

Four thieves vinegar is commonly used in hoodoo and by individuals invested in the benefits of homeopathic remedies versus mainstream pharmaceuticals.

Per the request of some community members, I will instruct users on developing four thieves vinegar on their own, and the common health benefits of using the vinegar in one's daily life.

First, we start with the ingredients of creating four thieves vinegar for hoodoo spells:
  1. Start with 1 - 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Thyme
  2. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Rosemary 
  3. Mix in 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Lavender 
  4. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of Sage [dried]
  5. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Mint (Do not exceed 2 tablespoons of Mint)
  6. Lastly, use one 16 - 32-ounce bottle of white vinegar

Next, pour the dried herbs into a medium to large glass jar equipped with a lid. Pour the vinegar into the jar with the herbs. Once done, seal the jar tightly and place into a cool, dark area for 5 to 6 weeks. Be sure to shake up the container daily in order to prevent contents from settling at the bottom of the jar and losing potency.
To create four thieves vinegar for health benefits and purposes:
  1. Start with 1 - 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Thyme
  2. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Rosemary 
  3. Mix in 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Lavender 
  4. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of Sage [dried]
  5. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of [dried] Mint (Do not exceed 2 tablespoons of Mint)
  6. Add 4 - 8 cloves of minced Garlic
  7. Add 1 - 2 large tablespoons of powdered Cinnamon
  8. Add small cup of organic fruit juice for sweetened flavor (Optional) 
  9. Lastly, use one 16 - 32-ounce bottle of organic apple cider vinegar (or wine vinegar for added flavor)

Pour the dried herbs and spices into a Large glass container equipped with a lid. Pour the vinegar (and fruit juice if using) into the jar with herbs. Cover jar opening with plastic (saran wrap will be fine). Seal the jar tightly with a metal lid. (Plastic is placed onto the opening first because the chemicals from the concoction tends to eat holes the metal lid) Place jar into a cool, dark area for 5 to 7 weeks. Be sure to shake up the container daily in order to prevent contents from settling.
Once the the vinegar has matured, remove the lid and use a very small strainer to remove most of the herb chunks from the vinegar. Afterwards, you can store the four thieves vinegar into smaller, personalized containers for your personal use. Important to note that prior to consumption it is vital that the tonic is diluted with water, as it is very strong.

Health Benefits
  1. Sore throat relief (when 2 teaspoons (tsp) of the vinegar is gargled and drank with warm water)
  2. Relieves Sinus congestion (drink 2 tsp of the vinegar with warm water)
  3. Relieves Chest congestion
  4. Disinfects cuts or tears
  5. Powerful and environmentally-safe insect repellent
  6. Improves immunity and ability to fight infections (drink 1 - 2 tsp with green tea for best results, or the vinegar can be rubbed onto the body
  7. Relieves bug bites, itching, hives, and rashes
  8. Breaks down thick phlegm to clear airways
  9. Used to treat joint and muscle pain and reduce joint swelling
  10. Treats dandruff 
  11. Treats multiple skin conditions and breakouts without the use of harsh chemicals
Editor: Serak Marcus



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