Does Hinduism Have Commandments?

Generally, Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma represents a group of ancient traditions which emphasizes self-evaluation and personal experience by way of offering overarching guiding principles rather than absolute lists of do's and don'ts that regulate human ideas and behaviours.

For subscribers of Sanatana Dharma, all acts are guided by dharma. Dharma is the eternal and inherent nature of reality, regarded in Hinduism as a cosmic law underlying right behaviour and social order.

Hindu ethical values come from individual interpretation of the nature of reality and educate the Dharma subscribers to understand wrong and right.

The guidelines of Hinduism are best noted in the Yoga Sutra of Sage Patanjali. It provides the Hindu with a succinct arrangement of principles that correspond to numerous sources of Dharmic scripture and teachings and are viewed as the foundations for dharmic behaviours.

Of the principles, there are ten to be noted. These are called yamas and niyamas. Five are yamas or guidelines for social behaviour and five are niyamas, or principles for behaviour behavior.

The five yamas are:

ㅤㅤ Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)
ㅤㅤ Satya (truthfulness)
ㅤㅤ Asteya (non-stealing)
ㅤㅤ Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right use of energy’)
ㅤㅤ Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding)

The five niyamas are:

ㅤㅤ Saucha (cleanliness)
ㅤㅤ Santosha (contentment)
ㅤㅤ Tapas (discipline, austerity or ‘burning enthusiasm)
ㅤㅤ Svadhyaya (the study of the self and of the texts)

ㅤㅤ Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher being, or contemplation of a higher power)


Adele, Deborah, and Laura Jennings. The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring yoga's ethical practice. Duluth, MN: On-Word Bound Books, 2009.

Hariharananda, Swami Aranya. Yoga philosophy of Patanjali: Containing his yoga aphorisms with Vyasa's commentary in Sanskrit and a translation with annotations including many suggestions for the practice of yoga. SUNY Press, 1983.

Biagi, Laura. "REPORTS ON YAMAS AND NIYAMAS." Unpublished manuscript. Print.



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